Great North Air Ambulance Bag Collections

Warcop Parish Hall          

GNAA Bag Collection July 2024

Thank you to everyone who brought bags down to the hall on Saturday the 13th July and those who also stayed for our Coffee Morning. The GNAA have informed us that our bags weighed 208kg which equates to £208 raised for their charity. Now that books and heavier items have been removed from collections by GNAA, we’ll need to collect a lot more bags next time to increase the total!

Please note that our next bag collection will take place on SATURDAY 14TH DECEMBER to coincide with our Christmas Coffee Morning, 10 – 11:30am. Bags need to at the hall by 11am please when the GNAA van is booked.

Thank you again for supporting this vital service.

David Keetley, Organiser

So far, we have donated bags worth almost £6,600 with our bi-annual collections. (See cumulative totals below.)

Thank you so much for supporting such an essential service.

David Keetley


Bags of bags! Your phenomenal response at November’s “lockdown” bag collection

We hold two collections per year, one in the summer and one  just before Christmas. All proceeds go towards maintaining the vital GNAA service which is so important in this rural area.


November 2016 – £700

June 2017 – £320

November 2017 – £374

June 2018 – £330

December 2018 – £759

July 2019 – £540

December 2019 – £732

December 2021 – £317

July 2022 – £582

December 2022 – £200

July 2023 -£306

December 2023 – £172

July 2024 – £208

Total to date: £6594

Thank you for all your great support.

David Keetley