Community Parish Council

Electricity North West Priority Services Register

Get ready for winter weather by signing up to your energy supplier’s Priority Services Register (PSR).

Each energy supplier has a priority services register which allows them to prioritise their services to pensioners, young children and those with health issues during times of power cuts or poor weather.  It is free to join.  They each have slightly different criteria so check with your supplier to see if you are eligible to join and ask to be added to their list.

The electricity provider for Cumbria is Electricity North West.  Their application form is attached.  All you need to do is print the form, fill it out and send it back to them.  By being on their PSR they can provide you with blankets, torches, warm food and drinks and even alternative accommodation during prolonged power cuts.  You can also get a free home energy assessment from Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS) to look at all of your utilities to see where you might be able to save on bills and where you can make improvements to your house and find funds to make these changes. 

If you need any help with signing up for this scheme, please ask any member of the Parish Council and they will be happy to assist.

– Electricity North West (Electricity) 0800 195 4141

– Cold Weather Priority Initiative (Oil) 0121 781 7267

– United Utilities (Water) 0345 072 6093

Here is a link to a leaflet with further details and an application form about the Electricity North West scheme: