Community Parish Hall Parish Hall News

Parish Hall Re-opening

The Trustees of Warcop Parish Hall have looked at the government’s four-stage “roadmap” out of Covid-19 restrictions and have decided that there will be a gradual re-opening of activities starting the week beginning the 17th May. The current building work should be completed by then.

This is likely to include:

Mondays Table Tennis 6:30 – 8:00pm

Tuesdays Post Office 2:00 – 3:00pm

Tuesdays Shappy Wheels (car park) 4:30 – 7:00pm

Tuesdays Drama Group 6:30 – 8:30pm

Wednesdays Circuits 5:30 – 6:30pm (School Field initially.)

Wednesdays Taekwondo 5:00 – 8:00pm

All of the above will continue to operate according to government Covid restrictions and their sport’s governing body’s regulations, including wearing of face masks, hand sanitising, reduced group sizes and social distancing.

More activities and events will start after the 21st June when all national restrictions will be removed, if the government’s roadmap and dates do not change, including some other activities such as Extend Exercise, Clubbercise and Bat and Chat. As activities and events are confirmed they will appear on the Parish Hall Calendar of Events elsewhere on this website. Events – Warcop Website

The Hall Events Committee will meet soon to plan a programme of events for the rest of the year and we intend to re-start monthly Saturday morning Coffee Mornings, the Thursday Foyer Cafe and monthly Soup and Pud lunches. We will also be able to hire out the hall for events, parties and so on.

As a welcome back, we plan to hold a FREE Coffee Morning as soon as possible with lots of goodies available as we are able to meet together again. We look forward to seeing all our regular and new users in the coming weeks and months.

Community Parish Hall Parish Hall News

Parish Hall Improvements

Warcop Parish Hall Trustees have successfully applied for a series of grants which will enable it to improve the facilities at the hall and to enhance its provision. The Trustees are grateful to the Lottery, Eden District Council’s Community Fund, ACRE’s Village Hall Improvement Grant and Warcop Parish Council for their support.

  1. The main work will involve an extension to the storage provision to create two more storerooms which had to be omitted when the hall was originally built to reduce costs. There will be one larger store and a smaller store room with racked shelving for hall users to store smaller items. This extension will allow the hall to store its existing equipment more effectively and also allow for the storage of new equipment for any new activities or groups.
  2. The grants also allow for improved access to the building by replacing the rather heavy front doors with automatic ones, thus enabling those with mobility problems or some elderly users to access the hall much more easily and safely.
  3. A new electronic projection screen and a new projector will be installed above the new storerooms for those hirers needing to use projection facilities.

The work, to be carried out by local contractor Matt Pietruszewski, is expected to start on the 8th March and take about 8 weeks. Please note that during this work, the side path nearest to the school will be blocked off to create a compound for the construction work. Access to and from school will be along the front of the hall and down the path alongside the hall driveway. We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause.

Community Parish Hall Parish Hall News

Warcop Parish Hall Covid-19 Closure

The trustees of Warcop Parish Hall met on the 2nd December 2020 and discussed the implications of Cumbria being in Tier 2 following lockdown, and also taking into account the latest government guidance for community halls. Trustees took the decision to remain closed for the moment but will review the situation in January taking into account the tier that Cumbria will be in at that time and any further guidance for community halls.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to our many regular users and hirers but we feel that re-opening at this stage would be likely to increase the risk of infection if we were to re-start classes and events.

We really hope that things will look better in 2021 and mass vaccination will be rolled out and we can start to offer all the many activities, classes and events that we’ve all missed so much.

In the meantime, the weekly Post Office continues at the Hall on Tuesdays from 2-3 pm. The Shappy Wheels Fish & Chips van will continue in the car park every Tuesday from 4:30 -7:00pm. The primary school can continue to use the hall for occasional PE lessons.

David Keetley

Chair, Warcop Parish Hall CIO Trustees

Community Parish Council Parish Hall News

Family Walking Quiz

Community Parish Council Parish Hall Parish Hall News

Shap Chippy Van Starts Tuesday 13th October!

Shap Chippy are planning to start a weekly fish & chip service from their mobile van which will be sited at Warcop Parish Hall car park every TUESDAY evening from 4:30 -7 pm. There will be a pre-booking system and it is hoped that the new scheme will start on the 13th October. This will be a great boost for everyone after the lockdown period and we expect residents will help collect meals for neighbours who can’t drive so that they don’t miss out!

Make sure that you spread the word!

Please check here for further details when we receive them and also look out for leaflets and posters.

See the source image
Community Parish Hall Parish Hall News

Warcop Remote Post Office -Tuesdays 2-3pm

The Post Office service at Warcop Parish Hall has re-opened on a new day for the time being, on Tuesdays. Please note the revised opening time from 2 – 3 pm with effect from the 8th September.

A poster is attached below.


The meeting room will be Covid-secure with a Perspex screen, hand sanitiser, social distancing rules and one customer in the room at a time. We look forward to meeting as many customers as possible.

Community Parish Hall Parish Hall News

Warcop Parish Hall Re-opening

The Trustees of the Parish Hall have agreed to have a limited re-opening of the hall from the week beginning the 13th July. Only a few groups will be able to use the hall at first, such as the Tuesday Drama group, the Friday morning Art class (from 7th August) and the Post Office at a new time and day of Tuesday afternoon, 1-2 pm. The kitchen will not be available initially as Trustees have to ensure that the hall is Covid-safe and all necessary risk assessment have been carried out. We hope to gradually expand the number of users and activities in the coming weeks. No indoor exercise classes are permitted at the moment.

In the light of recently updated government guidance, Trustees are currently considering allowing some sport and exercise classes to re-start from September. These include Taekwondo, Table Tennis, Extend Exercise and Bat & Chat and strict Covid-secure measures will be in place.

Parish Hall News

Warcop Village Show 2018 Results

Our first ever Village Show proved to be a great success and the weather was perfect. Congratulations to everyone who entered the various categories and the prize winners can be found by following this link. We think that this will become an annual show that is likely to grow!

Warcop V Show Results for Herald

Community Parish Council Parish Hall News

New Weekly minibus service to Appleby – Penrith 563 Service

20180908_085018Warcop Parish Council, in conjunction with Cumbria County Council’s Community Wheels Scheme, has negotiated the hire of an Appleby Heritage Centre minibus to run a weekly link service from Warcop via Sandford to Appleby. This will link in with the first Appleby to Penrith 563 service at 09:58 and return to Warcop via Sandford when the last bus arrives at Appleby at 14:16. The bus collects at The Croft at 09:20, the bus shelter in Warcop at 09:30 and The Sandford Arms bus stop at 09:40.

Passengers can go on to Penrith on the 563 on either the early bus or the later one at 11:30, or they can just go into Appleby.

We put out a questionnaire in every household’s letter box where your views were sought on the timings, whether you’d use it and if you’d like to volunteer to be a driver and so on. About 7 volunteer drivers have come forward. Initially this link bus will run on FRIDAYS. The service started on Friday 7th September.

The scheme operates as a Cumbria County Council Community Wheels service so passengers have to register with Community Wheels and obtain a card which covers the cost of journeys. No cash is required. They can be topped up at Kirkby Stephen or Appleby Libraries and Appleby Heritage Centre.  Appleby Heritage Centre will provide one of their minibuses and do the necessary administration. Cumbria County Council will provide the Community Wheels cards, leaflets with times and pick up points and other publicity.

We have a team of volunteer drivers who have undergone the MIDAS minibus training and are all local residents and we are grateful to all of them and to Appleby Heritage Centre and Cumbria County Council for their support

Please support this idea if you can and it will help many people in our parish get out and about again. If numbers are low, then the service will not be able to continue. Attached below are copies of flyers, timetable and application forms.

The Classic Coaches 574 service continues on Tuesdays picking up from Warcop Railway Bridge.

Thank you,

David Keetley

Chair, Warcop Parish Council

2018.09 Community Wheels Appleby Flyer v5

2018.09 Community Wheels Appleby Poster v5_1

Community Parish Hall News

Survey about Monthly Exchange Coffee Morning

The Trustees of Warcop Parish Hall are seeking your views on how to make our monthly coffee morning, currently known as the Exchange, an even better experience which will attract more local residents to meet up, have a chat over a cup of tea or coffee as well as buying local produce.

Paper copies will be distributed through all letterboxes shortly and you can return it to the new post box at the hall next to the front door. Alternatively, you can complete in online and email it to Joyce Keetley on

The link to the survey is here: Exchange Survey June 2018

Thank you for taking the time to give us your ideas. We’d really like to make it something that lots of people will support and bring even more people together in our community.