Community Community Wheels Minibus Link Parish Hall Parish Hall News

Future Events & Activities

Here are a few forthcoming events and activities during the rest of February and 2024. More details will follow in due course:

February Events at the Hall

  • Quiz Night – Friday 23rd February 7:30pm. Tickets £9 each including food. Maximum number per team is 6. Contact Carol on 53450 or Pat on 42188 or email Here’s a poster:

Get Fit4Life! 

Good news! This class is continuing till at least June, but we could do with more older members of the community to join it. Please see the attached flyer but note that the fee has gone up to £7 (pre-pay) as the initial grant subsidy has now stopped. It’s a fun class with activities tailored to everyone’s abilities.

Community Wheels Minibus Service

Don’t forget that this service runs from Warcop/Sandford to Appleby every Friday. Bus leaves 09:15am and returns to Warcop at 12:15pm. You’ll need to sign up for this scheme but then you can pay for journeys by card. From Warcop, it costs £3 for a round trip. Further details can be found on this poster:

Future Parish Hall Events – Dates for Your Diary

  • Bingo Night – Friday 22nd March 7:30pm
  • Warcop Art & Craft Exhibition  – Saturday 4th, Sunday 5th & Monday 6th May 2024, 10 – 4pm each day. See separate page on website for further details. Please come along and support your local artists and craftspeople!
  • Dog Show – Sunday 26th May 12 – 4pm
  • Village Show – Sunday 14th July. 2pm
  • Quiz Night – Friday 20th September, 7:30pm
  • Thieving Magpies, a local band – Saturday 12th October
  • NEW! Warcop Pantomime Thursday 14th, Friday 15th & Saturday 16th November. (Please note that this will replace this year’s Ghost Walk but in future we intend to alternate panto and Ghost Walk each year.)
A66 Upgrade Community

A66 Upgrade

A66 Upgrade – 

9th November 2023.

The Secretary of State for Transport has now decided to delay the decision on the planning application (DCO) for the A66 upgrade until the 7th March 2024. See more via this link:

A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project | National Infrastructure Planning (

A more detailed letter from the Secretary of State for Transport explaining the need for more work to be done, and seeking further views by 29th November, is here:

Many in our community might feel dismayed at this latest delay to the dualling scheme.

Community Parish Council

Warcop Rushbearing

Please the poster below for more details about our annual Rushbearing Parade on Thursday 29th June:

Community Parish Council

Coronation Events – Small Grants

Coronation Events – Small Grants from Warcop Parish Council
At the last Parish Council meeting it was agreed that if any members of the community was planning a Coronation celebration, such as a street party, then the PC would support any small expenditure incurred for items such as bunting or flags, up to a figure of £50. Receipts would be required for reimbursement. 

If you would like to apply for this, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council, Heidi Strong via this email: or phone 017683 41102.

Community Parish Council

Parish Council Elections

The following were elected as parish councillors at the recent election, which was uncontested. There will therefore be one vacancy on Warcop Parish Council.

Community Parish Council

New LED Streetlight

The Parish Council has paid for and arranged the installation of a new LED streetlight on Beckside. This is because EDC refuses to replace the old sodium lights. There are plans to replace two more in Warcop when finances allow, namely on Gregson Terrace and in the Square/Triangle right in the middle of Warcop. Any others that fail in Sandford will also be replaced in due course.

Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of Warcop Parish Council is on Thursday 6th April at 7:30 pm at the Parish Hall. All residents are welcome to attend.

Here are the Agenda and Minutes of the last meeting:

Community Parish Council

New Saturday 563 Bus Service

New Saturday 563 Bus Service

I am happy to announce the start of the new Saturday 563 bus service from 1 April. The attached A5 flyer is being printed and will be distributed in villages along the route as soon as possible.

Warcop Parish Council is contributing financially to help support this much-needed initiative. The bus will call at Warcop four times on the way out and three times on the way back. Passengers will be able to travel to Kirkby Stephen as well as Appleby or Penrith.

Please support this trial service if you can and it can then become a sustainable service

Here is a copy of the flyer and timetable:

Community Parish Council

New Footpath Sign & Water Butt for Cemetery

Thanks to Mr Clee for making this sign to help walkers find their way near The Old Sawmill!
New water butt at the cemetery. Thanks to Steve & Yvonne Burnett.
Community Parish Council

Help for Ukraine

Can you Help?
Help for a Ukrainian Translator Needed
I received a request this morning on behalf of a translator currently working at Warcop Camp. John Hope helps in this regard and he is asking if anyone in our community could spare a little time to meet Nadiya to help her improve her English. This is just conversational English which will help her do her work more effectively.

Below is an extract from John’s email to give you a little more information and a contact number and email for him:

I am a Job Club Volunteer working with a number of Ukrainians in Farnham, Surrey. One or whom, Nadiya, is working as a translator at Warcop Camp.

She was a University Lecturer in the Ukraine and is looking for opportunities to improve her English, she would really benefit from the opportunity of practising English conversation with some friendly local people.

As you mentioned folk, people staying on the camp that you have given lifts to, have said that they can feel very confined.

For Nadiya to get off the camp and to talk about everyday UK things (non military) with (non military) people would be welcome on so many levels.

You mentioned your Mailchimp group and the contacts you have in Musgrave as potential people who could help – these sound very hopeful.

07713 654715

If you think you could help, please let me know or call John direct on his mobile or via his email 

Thank you in anticipation of your help.

David Keetley