Community Parish Council

Appleby Horse Fair, 7th – 10th June 2018

This year’s Appleby Horse Fair took place from the 7th to the 10th June. Arrangements for Warcop and Sandford were pretty much as before, with the exception of the sheepfold in Warcop which we have asked to be fenced off following last year’s incident where horses went into adjacent properties. The links below take you to the agreed stopping places with maps of where bow tops are allowed and so on.

Useful Documents:



There is also a website devoted to the Appleby Horse Fair if you require further information .

The Parish Council would welcome any comments, both positive or otherwise, about how you think the arrangements for this year’s Horse Fair in Warcop and Sandford went. We are aware of one or two issues that the police sorted out and several residents were willing to be flexible over horses grazing for one night. Any comments will be fed back to the organisers so that we can improve things further in the future.